Marcelo Sampaio
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
Giovane Moreira
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
Adriel Souza
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
Érika Correia
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
Anderson Leite
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
João Vilasboas
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
José Díaz Amado
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
João Marques
IFBA - Vitória da Conquista
Navigation System, Proxemics, ROS, Integration, Robotics
Social robotics is an increasing area that has boosted the integration of robots and people in common environments. Thus, new Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) techniques have emerged to make robots behave in an acceptable and social ways. interaction is one of these new techniques, that dictate the distance between robots and humans. In this sense, robots must respect the proxemic zones of people around them, while navigating in the shared spaces. In this work, we propose a social aware navigation system based on proxemic that responds to voice commands to move around in an environment shared with people. This social navigation system is integrated into GProxemic Navigation, a system that automatically provides the robots location and the proxemic zones that robots must avoid during their navigation, according to the environment characteristics. To demonstrate the functionality and suitability of the proposed proxemic navigation system, we implemented it in an autonomous wheelchair. this implementation, the wheelchair can be activated to make the most efficient path respecting the social constrains of the environment