Paulo G. M. Leandro
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, PB, Laboratório de Redes Elétricas Inteligentes - LabREI
Gregory A. de Almeida Carlos
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse/INPT – FR, Laboratório LAPLACE
Oswaldo H. Ando Junior
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Unidade Acadêmica de Santo Agostinho, PE
Fabiano Salvadori
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, PB, Laboratório de Redes Elétricas Inteligentes - LabREI
Microgrid, photovoltaic generation, battery energy storage system, Hardware-in-the-loop, distributed generation
This work introduces modeling and characterization of a microgrid system focused on a single-phase distributed generation (DG) for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) real-time (RT) applications. The interconnection of key modules/blocks and their effects are discussed such a way that the presented system can be enlarged or useful for other works. The DG system is composed of a photovoltaic (PV) arrangement connected with static converters, battery energy storage system (BESS) unit, and optional output filter. An accurate system characterization for HIL applications contributes to reduce rework costs. A small scaled microgrid composed of 600 nodes distribution network is considered for preliminary tests and fault scenarios. Modeling and some preliminary simulation results are presented.