Egydio Tadeu Gomes Ramos
Post-Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, PB
George Acioli Júnior
Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, PB
Péricles Rezende Barros
Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, PB
José Sérgio da Rocha Neto
Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of Campina Grande, PB
process control, decentralized control, robust control
In this paper, an iterative procedure is proposed to design decentralized robust controllers for multivariable systems, based on the effective transfer function (ETF). The uncertainties in the process are taken into account using the multiplicative model, represented by a weight transfer function matrix. An H∞ optimization is applied to the ETF of each loop in order to obtain decentralized controllers that achieve robust stability and nominal performance. In the iterative procedure, the ETF is calculated and a weight is adjust to improve the performance of the system, in order to achieve better results. The procedure was validate with simulation studies and an experiment performed on a temperature process.