Proteção Diferencial de Barras de Subestações de Distribuição: Análise do funcionamento de metodologias fundamentadas na Norma IEC 61850

  • Ângelo Felipe Sartori Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Adriano Peres de Morais Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Diomar Adonis Copetti Lima Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Ulisses Chemin Netto Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, PR
  • Daniel Pinheiro Bernardon Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Wagner Seizo Hokama CPFL Energia, SP
  • Júlia Beatriz Ramos da Conceição CPFL Energia, SP
Keywords: IEC 61850, Busbar Differential Protection, GOOSE, Sampled Values, Process Bus


This work aims to present two approaches for busbar protection of Distribution substations using the IEC 61850 standard. At the station bus level, the first one uses a decentralized methodology through logic between IEDs with function 50 and the GOOSE message. The second, the more challenging methodology, makes use of the process bus, in which it centralizes the Sampled Values from the Merging Units to perform the busbar protection. The simulations of faults internal and external to the distribution substation bus, in addition to overload conditions, were implemented in the real-time software HYPERSIM – OPAL-RT. Through the simulations, the functioning of the two promising methodologies regarding the digitization of substations is analyzed.