Otimização do Agendamento de Intervenções e da Margem de Potência em Redes Elétricas

  • Leonardo Gonzaga da Silva Pós-Graduação em Eng. Elétrica e Telecomunicações, Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ
  • Rainer Zanghi Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ
  • Julio Cesar Stacchini de Souza Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal Fluminense, RJ
Keywords: maintenance schedule, operation, planning, security, optimization


The outage scheduling in transmission networks is one of the most complex tasks performed by the independent system operator (ISO), that is responsible for accepting, denying or rescheduling the outage requests planned by the equipment owners. Such requests, if approved, may cause operative problems, which have to be anticipated by the ISO by performing several analyses. If necessary, the ISO must define an outage scheduling in which all outages take place within a given time window, being also desirable to preserve system operation security as most as possible. The problem complexity resides in its combinatorial nature, as the number of combinations of possible time instants to perform the outages may be extremely high. This work proposes a methodology for the optimal scheduling of transmission equipment outages that seeks to identify an outage scheduling that, in a given time window, optimizes system operation security.