Alysson A. A. Pereira
Laboratório de Robótica, Depto. de Eng. Mecatrônica, CEFET-MG Rua Álvares de Azevedo, 400, Bela Vista, Divinópolis, MG
Renato S. Dâmaso
Laboratório de Robótica, Depto. de Eng. Mecatrônica, CEFET-MG Rua Álvares de Azevedo, 400, Bela Vista, Divinópolis, MG
Cláudio P. Lopes
Laboratório de Robótica, Depto. de Eng. Mecatrônica, CEFET-MG Rua Álvares de Azevedo, 400, Bela Vista, Divinópolis, MG
Henrique A. Almeida
Laboratório de Robótica, Depto. de Eng. Mecatrônica, CEFET-MG Rua Álvares de Azevedo, 400, Bela Vista, Divinópolis, MG
Tool Design, two-finger parallel gripper, mechanical manufacturing, robotic manipulation, Comau Smart5 SiX
The integration of machines and devices is highlighted in current industrial processes, especially in those where robotic manipulation is present. Manipulators are versatile automation solutions, capable of perform a wide range of tasks just by changing their tool and programming. In the robotics laboratory of CEFET-MG Divinópolis, a Comau Smart5 SiX® robot is available and was used as a basis for a simulation application in a previous academic work. To provide continuity, it was proposed the development of a manipulation tool to validate the results of a cube stacking task. With that in mind, this paper aimed to complement a robotic cell, through the design, construction, programming and testing of a two-finger parallel gripper, compatible with the mentioned manipulator. This was done through a theoretical study to design the parts, followed by 3D modeling, manufacture and assembly processes. Electronic drive circuits were produced, in addition to control and communication algorithms. Thus, it was obtained a versatile and low-cost tool, capable of meeting the defined specifications.