Estudo Investigativo da Localização de Faltas Baseado na Correspondência de Valores de Corrente

  • Vítor Henrique Pereira de Melo Depto. de Engenharia Elétrica e Computação, EESC - USP
  • Mário Oleskovicz Depto. de Engenharia Elétrica e Computação, EESC - USP
  • Denis V. Coury Depto. de Engenharia Elétrica e Computação, EESC - USP
  • João B. A. London Jr Depto. de Engenharia Elétrica e Computação, EESC - USP
Keywords: Fault Location, State Estimation, Distribution Systems, Smart Meters


This work presents a study regarding the Fault Current Values Correspondence Method (FCVCM), which uses the Smart-Meters’s ability to report the voltage sags during a short-circuit to aid the fault’s location in Distribution Systems (DSs). The studies investigate the effect of the limited precision of the measurements, the occurrence of Gross Errors, and the uncertainty associated with the load’s estimates over the FCVCM. The work also proposes to use a State Estimator for DSs with the FCVCM to enhance the method’s reliability. Furthermore, results in a 19 bus DS illustrate the improvements achieved by using this proposal.