Rational State-Feedback Control for Discrete-Time State-Polynomial LPV Systems

  • Márcio J. Lacerda Control and Modelling Group (GCOM), Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of São João del-Rei, São João del-Rei, MG, 36307-352
  • Gabriel O. Ferreira Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Piemonte, 10129
  • Valter J. S. Leite Department of Mechatronics Engineering, CEFET-MG, Campus Divinópolis, Divinópolis, MG, 36307-352
Keywords: State-feedback control, State polynomial systems, Time-varying parameters


This paper addresses the state-feedback control problem for state-polynomial discrete- time linear parameter varying systems. The sum of squares formulation is employed to write the conditions. Two approaches are presented, the first one makes use of the Lyapunov function to recover the gain matrices, providing state-feedback gains which may be rational in the time- varying parameter, and linear in the state variables. The second formulation allows the design of rational state-feedback control gains concerning both the time-varying parameter and the state variables. Numerical experiments borrowed from the literature are employed to illustrate the efficacy of the proposed method.