Estratégias de Controle Aplicadas a um Conversor de Potência do Tipo Buck com Estrutura SIMO

  • Carlos Roozembergh Jr Federal University of Para e UFPa, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, PA
  • Alvaro Christian Monano Saavedra Federal University of Para e UFPa, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, PA
  • Walter Barra Jr Federal University of Para e UFPa, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, PA
  • Renan Landau Paiva de Medeiros Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM, Department of Electricity, AM
Keywords: Conversor Buck, Centralizado, LQR, Robusto Paramétrico, SIMO, Incertezas Paramétricas


In this article methodologies and implementations are investigated into the SIMO converter, with focus on systems with two outputs using centralized control strategies. The control system is based in Parametric Robust Control and LQR techniques, using states feedback for output regulation purposes. To obtain the dynamics of the plant in the desire point it is accomplished the phenomenological study for the circuit through the current inductor curve. The simulations of the controllers and the circuit were done using toolbox Matlab/Simulink. The results and the discussions are submitted in the response graphics using performance integral index tables related with the error signal and the effort of the control system.