Amostragem Compressiva: Princípios Fundamentais e Aplicação com RMPI Adaptado

  • Hugo B. S. Araujo Universidade Federal da Paraiba, PB
  • Rubens M. B. da S. Lima Universidade Federal da Paraiba, PB
  • Adna Kallery Santos da Silva Universidade Federal da Paraiba, PB
  • Cleonilson P. de Souza Universidade Federal da Paraiba, PB
Keywords: Compressed Sensing, Analog-to-Information Converter, Sparsity


Compressed Sensing (CS) is a technique that takes advantage of signal sparsity in a given domain and allows sampling with sub-Nyquist sampling rates. A device that implements the CS model is the Analog-to-Information Converter (AIC), which obtains an output that is a digitized and compressed version of the input. This paper presents CS principles, analysis, and results obtained for a dual-tone sine signal applied to a version of a Random Modulation Pre-Integrator (RMPI) AIC.