Geisa Moura Costa
Dep. Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Vitória, ES
Walbermark Marques do Santos
Dep. Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Vitória, ES
Domingos S. L. Simonetti
Dep. Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Vitória, ES
Thermoelectric, Combined Cycle, Modeling of Power Systems, Fuel Gases, Optimization
Power plants operating in a combined cycle have higher thermal efficiency (up to 80% INEE, 2022) and greater generating power when compared to traditional single cycles, such as gas or steam turbines operating alone. Gas turbines have unique characteristics in the steel making process, being able to operate with gases of low calorific value from steel plants, such as blast furnace gases (BFG), and with conventional fuels, such as natural gas, and even with a mixture of these gases enriched with the steel plant gas (BOF). This study aims to dynamically model and simulate the behavior of gas turbines and propose solutions for the optimization of the distribution of fuel gases in gas turbines operating in a combined gas/steam cycle, finding the ideal solution in terms of cost reduction and maximization of net income. The plant has a combined cycle block formed by two gas turbines of 90 MW each and a steam turbine of 320 MW, totaling 500 MW. The model was simulated with the GT operating in parallel with the power grid and the combined cycle with compressor inlet guide vane (IGV) control. The model was developed in MatLab's Simulink®.