The Impact of Transmission Line Modeling on Lightning Performance of Line Surge Arresters - Part II: Impact on the Power and Energy Dissipation

  • Jaimis S. L. Colqui School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of Campinas
  • Rodolfo A. R. Moura Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • Marco Aurélio O. Schroeder Electrical Engineering Department, Federal University of São João del-Rei
  • José Pissolato Filho School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of Campinas
Keywords: Transmission line modeling, surge arresters, lightning protection, frequency dependent behaviour, grounding, time-domain simulations


This paper investigates the impact of the transmission line parameter calculation formulations in the evaluation of power and energy dissipated in line surge arresters. The results are achieved by simulations in ATP software, considering typical Brazilian conditions of transmission lines. The calculation of the line parameters is computed in three ways, namely: i) Carson’ formulation, ii) Nakagawa’s formulation considering the ground parameters constant with frequency, and ii) Nakagawa’s formulation considering the frequency-dependent characteristics of soil. Taking as reference the results determined by Carson’s formulation (since this formulation is the most used in programs for calculating transients), it is shown that Nakagawa’s formulations considering both constant and frequency-dependent soil parameters can lead to differences in energy dissipated in surge arresters in transmission lines partially or totally protected by surge arresters. According to the results, depending on the case, maximum differences in power and energies of up to 10.547% and 11.76%, respectively, can be found.