Rafael Oliveira Pedrisch
Coordenação de Engenharia de Controle & Automação, Instituto Federal de Rondônia, RO
Amanda Maria Monteiro Cerezini de Souza
Coordenação de Eletrotécnica, Instituto Federal de Rondônia, RO
André Luiz Barbosa Marinho
Coordenação de Engenharia de Controle & Automação, Instituto Federal de Rondônia, RO
Artur Vitório Andrade Santos
Coordenação de Engenharia de Controle & Automação, Instituto Federal de Rondônia, RO
José Diogo Forte de Oliveira Luna
Coordenação de Engenharia de Controle & Automação, Instituto Federal de Rondônia, RO
Automatic Control, Engineering Teaching, Motor-Tachogenerator
The new Brazilian National Curriculum Guidelines (DCNs) estabilish theory and practice as inseparable. The practical experiments are an essential tool for the development automatic control skills. Thus, the present work presents a low cost motor-tachogenerator didactic module. The manufacturing process of the module is presented and the files of the electronic board, the 3D printed parts and the optional laser cut cover are made available in an online platform to allow reproduction. The module is validated experimentally to demonstrate its applicability. After analyzing the results it is found that the module meets requirements for an adequate practical experiment as well as its manufacturing cost is compatible with other low-cost works in the literature.