Algoritmo de Fluxo de Potência para Redes de Distribuição Híbridas CA-CC Considerando os Modos de Controle dos Conversores

  • Elson N. M. Silva Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, UFMA, MA
  • Anselmo B. Rodrigues Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, UFMA, MA
  • Maria G. Silva Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, UFMA, MA
Keywords: distribution networks, hybrid networks AC-DC, power flow, sweeping methods, Newton-Raphson method


The increasing in the number of CC equipment connected to distribution network (photovoltaic distributed generators, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems) has stimulated researches and projects associated with DC and hybrid AC-DC distribution networks. The main aim of this paper is to introduce a power flow algorithm for AC-DC distribution networks considering the control modes of the converters. The proposed algorithm is based on the power summation method to explore the radial topology and reduce the solution’s computational cost. The tests results with a hybrid distribution network of 33 nodes demonstrated that the method introduced in this paper has the same accuracy of the unified power flow based on Newton- Raphson Method, but with significant reductions in the computational cost.