Estratégias de gerenciamento da operação de microrredes residenciais sobre condições críticas

  • Hellen Dianne P. de Souza Instituto de Energia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, MA
  • Anna D. Espindola Instituto de Energia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, MA
  • Shigeaki L. de Lima Instituto de Energia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, MA
  • Silvangela L. Barcelos Instituto de Energia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Maranhão, MA
  • Rafael Gomes Bento Diretoria de Estratégia e Inovação, CPFL Energia, SP
Keywords: Microgrids, operating strategies, renewable sources, critical loads


Microgrids are typically composed of distributed renewable sources, fossil fuel powered generators and energy storage systems. There are several topologies aimed at military, university, business and residential applications. Regardless of the topology, the microgrids must be able to manage and operate in a permanent state, as well as in transition from on-grid to off-grid and vice versa in scheduled and non-scheduled situations. In this work, a record of critical loads operation in residential microgrids is presented, as well as functions and actions that must be implemented via EMS.