Uso de baterias no controle carga-frequência de sistemas hidro-eólicos como alternativa à operação descarregada de turbinas eólicas
Wind Energy, Battery Energy Storage System, Hydro Energy, Reverse Response, Load Frequency Control, Virtual Synchronous Generator, Primary Frequency Control
This paper discusses the load frequency control (LFC) of a hydro-wind power system comparing the inclusion of wind generation in the LFC through the virtual synchronous generator (VSG) technique combined with the de-loaded operation of wind turbines with the use of batteries that perform primary frequency control (PFC). As well as the inclusion of wind generation in the LFC via VSG, the use of batteries to perform the PFC reduces frequency deviations, tie-line power deviations and the inverse response of the hydraulic plant, proving that both techniques have similar effectiveness. The advantage of using the battery technique is that the wind power plant can operate in maximum power mode instead of the de-loaded mode.