Modelo Computacional para Avaliar Conexão de Recursos Energéticos Distribuídos em Redes de Distribuição utilizando a plataforma OpenModelica
VSC, OpenModelica, Distribution, Energy Resources, Connection Point
This article presents a computational model used for time-domain analysis of the connection of energy resources that are linked through power electronic converters in electric distribution networks. The model considers a three-phase voltage-source converter (VSC) with power and current control in a synchronous reference frame. A Synchronous Reference Frame Phase Locked Loop (SRF-PLL) is used as a synchronization structure. The distribution network is modeled using concentrated parameters derived from the short-circuit capacity at the connection point. To exemplify the possibilities, simulation results are presented using parameters from a real battery storage system that is currently in the commissioning phase on the distribution network of Cemig Distribuição. Aspects such as voltage rise at the connection point under conditions of supplying balanced loads and contributions to three-phase faults are evaluated. The model is implemented in the OpenModelica simulation environment, which is a free and flexible platform that provides the same characteristics to the model.