Revisão bibliográfica sobre hidrogênio azul: tecnologias, custos e potencialidades

  • Carla V. A. Oliveira Universidade Federal do Maranhão, MA
  • Denisson Q. Oliveira Universidade Federal do Maranhão, MA
  • Hellen Dianne P. Souza Universidade Federal do Maranhão, MA
Keywords: Hydrogen, Blue Hydrogen, Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization (CCUS)


Sustainable and low-carbon energy options are necessary to achieve the emission targets set within the Paris Climate Agreement, whose main objective was to propose targets for greenhouse gas emissions by signatory countries. One of the most visible results is the initiatives to decarbonize the economy, mainly in the energy sector. In this scenario, hydrogen has been presenting itself as an important substitute due to its high energy vector, its properties as a fuel and as a raw material. Although green hydrogen has received most of the development efforts, there are also other forms of production that also make possible the mitigation of emissions and the production of carbon-free fuels, such as, for example, blue hydrogen. This work presents a review of the concepts and technology for the production of blue hydrogen, presenting the costs and analyzing the different stages of the process and the associated costs. The objective is to demonstrate that blue hydrogen should also be considered as a carbon neutral energy option in the Brazilian energy context. As a result, we encounter the issue of the high price of Natural Gas in Brazil, necessitating the search for more affordable prices, mainly through increasing domestic production.