Arquitetura para Linha Inteligente de Montagem de componentes em Superfície com base na indústria 4.0

  • Cassio Cuarelli Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Paulo
  • Rubem N. G. Xavier Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Paulo
  • Osvaldo L. Asato Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Paulo, Guarulhos
  • Percy J. I. Kaneshiro Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Paulo, Suzano
  • Francisco Y. Nakamoto Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Paulo
  • João R. Moro Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, São Paulo
Keywords: Intelligent production system, PCI assembly, surface mounted, IOT, Industry 4.0, BPMN


The evolution of emerging information technologies has enabled greater processing capacity for control systems adopted in industrial processes. From these new technologies, production processes can be guaranteed from new paradigms, where there is the possibility of optimizing production times and the quality of processed products. The objective of this work is to present a new architecture for manufacturing lines for printed circuit boards (PCBs), which will facilitate the sharing of process data and the self-reconfiguration of workstation programming, in the case of some irregularities observed in the productive system. The proposal tends to assist in the development of PCB production lines for Industry 4.0, allowing better production rates and integration between systems. The modeling and simulation developed for the process was carried out in BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) and allows obtaining and verifying important data regarding the functionality of the proposal.