Controlador PI não linear por modelo de referência

  • Samaherni Dias Laboratório de Automação, Controle e Instrumentação (LACI), UFRN, Natal, RN
  • Kurios Queiroz Laboratório de Automação, Controle e Instrumentação (LACI), UFRN, Natal, RN
  • Aldayr Araújo Laboratório de Automação, Controle e Instrumentação (LACI), UFRN, Natal, RN
Keywords: PI controller, reference model, nonlinear systems, industrial processes


The Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller is the most used control technique in industrial processes due to its simple design, implementation, and understanding. However, it presents degradation in the face of several of the scenarios of these processes, such as uncertainties, time-varying parameters, reference changes, disturbances, and noise existing in the process. All these changes compromise the controller’s robustness and require new adjustments routinely. To overcome these limitations, several researchers presented new proposals, generally increasing the complexity of the controller. Thus, in this work, we propose a control technique that unites the Proportional-Integral controller, based on the error between the plant output and the output of a given reference model, to a nonlinear function to ensure that the plant output tracks the desired dynamics. With this, we aim to increase the robustness of the Proportional-Integral controller, keeping the simplicity of the design and preserving its characteristic of an intuitive adjustment of the controller parameters. In addition to the controller proposal, we present stability analysis results for different scenarios and simulations.