Modelo Fasorial para Sistemas Eólicos Baseados no DFIG em Modelica

  • José Victor M. Uemura Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG
  • Marcelo A. Tomim Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG
Keywords: REDs, phasor model, DFIG, control, Modelica


This paper aims at presenting the implementation of a phasor model for wind conversion systems based on the doubly-fed induction generator using the Modelica language. The model consists of several subsystems, which will be detailed along with justifications for the adopted simplifications. The control systems for this configuration are implemented using vector control, which allows the voltage-source converter to operate as a current-controlled source. Reference values for the controllers are based on the control regions of a variable-speed wind turbine, which will be verified through the simulation of the implemented model.