Automatização do Processo de Verificação e Fixação do Filtro Polarizador do Painel de Televisores LCD em uma Empresa de Eletroeletrônicos do Polo Industrial de Manaus
LCD televisions, automation, polarizing filter, vision system, inspection
In the process of manufacturing television modules for an electronics company in the Industrial Pole of Manaus, the front polarizer, which faces the user, is currently mounted on the light transmission unit using a machine. However, the confirmation and verification of the fixation of these two components is carried out manually using a device composed of a 2 kg weight and an auxiliary device composed of suction cups to pull the polarizer and check if there is a gap between it and the LCD panel, respectively. This manual operation is repeated at various points on the LCD panel to ensure that the collage is in proper condition. In this sense, this article aims to present a prototype for automating the inspection of the presence of the film in the light transmission unit and the process of attaching polarizing filters to television panels. The prototype was divided into two main modules: Inspection and Pressing. The Inspection module was equipped with a computer vision system and external LED lighting. The Pressing module comprises a set composed of a Cartesian system with three movement axes and a tool for conformation of the polarizing filter. The main purpose of automation is to improve product quality and reduce errors, without impacting production speed.