Predição do Grau de Polimerização Utilizando Machine Learning: Nova Metodologia de Avaliação da Vida Útil de Transformadores de Potência

  • Rafael Prux Fehlberg Esc. Eng. de S. Carlos - EESC, Univ. de S. Paulo - USP, SP
  • Daniel Carrijo Polonio Araujo Esc. Eng. de S. Carlos - EESC, Univ. de S. Paulo - USP, SP
  • Gabriel de Souza Pereira Gomes Esc. Eng. de S. Carlos - EESC, Univ. de S. Paulo - USP, SP
  • Sofia Moreira de Andrade Lopes Esc. Eng. de S. Carlos - EESC, Univ. de S. Paulo - USP, SP
  • Rogério Andrade Flauzino Esc. Eng. de S. Carlos - EESC, Univ. de S. Paulo - USP, SP
  • Renan Ferreira Santa Rosa Treetech Tecnologia, Atibaia, SP
  • Iony Patriota de Siqueira Tecnix Engenharia e Arquitetura Ltda. Recife, PE
Keywords: Aging, Power Transformer, Assets, Degree of Polymerization


The main indicator used to assess the condition of solid insulation in power equipment currently is the degree of polymerization (DP). This work presents a systematic study where machine learning techniques are used to estimate DP from 2-fal and other indicators. The results are promising, indicating that 2-fal, CO2/CO, the Chendong formula, and equipment power can be used together to better predict the current value of its service life.