Ajuste Ótimo da Proteção de Perda de Excitação dos Compensadores Síncronos de Janaúba Frente ao Consumo de Reativos Capacitivos Próximos ao Limite Mínimo de Subexcitação

  • R.O. Fernandes Argo Energia, São Paulo
  • C.M. Lima Jr Mestrando na Universidade de São Paulo
  • C.F. Eleutério Argo Energia, São Paulo
Keywords: Synchronous Compensator, Excitation Loss, Reactive Limiter, Minimum Excitation Current, Capability Curve


The activation of the Excitation Loss Protection (ELP) - ANSI 40, of Synchronous Compensators (SC), during steady-state operating conditions and consumption of reactive of long Transmission Lines (LT) must be avoided and mitigated. This work will present the application philosophy adopted by Argo considering a practical case of a disturbance in the Brazilian Interconnected Power System (BIPS), where there was, after mitigation actions, the optimized adjustment of the under excitation limiter and the ELP function, considering the limits of the SC capability curve, culminating in the solution of the problem and in the increase of the operative availability of the asset in the BIPS.