Desenvolvimento de um software para geração e envio automático de relatórios sobre o sistema de geração distribuída do Brasil.

  • Arthur Cordeiro Andrade Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Cristiane Cauduro Gastaldini Campus Cachoeira do Sul, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
Keywords: Development, Software, Distributed Generation, Data Analysis


Distributed generation (DG) has been growing through the years with technological development and lower costs of solar panels and wind turbines. To accompany the growth of DG, a software has been developed that will generate a report monthly which analyzes of the distributed generation system in Brazil. This software uses the data provided by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) on the Python programming language. The main analyzes carried out are in relation to the number of DG undertakings, the number of consumer units served and the installed power, which can be filtered by distribution agent, state and desired municipality.