Estabilidade e Estabilização Poliquadrática com Desempenho H∞ para Sistemas Positivos Nebulosos Tipo-2 Intervalares Chaveados
Fuzzy Systems, Performance H∞, Polyquadratic Stability, Positive Systems, Switched Systems
In this paper, we propose conditions for stability analysis and polyquadratic stabilization for switched interval type-2 fuzzy systems in discrete time. The subsystems of the switched system are defined in intervalar type-2 fuzzy regions, switched according to an arbitrary switching sequence. In addition to the positivity of the system, we consider in the formulations of the problems the performance constraint H∞. We develop the formulations for the considered problems using a class of switched fuzzy Lyapunov functions. We evaluate the proposed conditions, which are necessary and sufficient conditions for the considered problems, on academic examples where we note the effectiveness of these conditions.