Localização de Faltas em Linhas de Transmissão de Extra-Alta Tensão – Análise dos Parâmetros de Influência na Exatidão

  • Guilherme Bertuol Rodrigues de Queiroz Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Instituto de Sistemas Elétricos de Energia
  • Paulo Márcio da Silveira Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Instituto de Sistemas Elétricos de Energia
Keywords: Fault location, Transmission lines, Extra-high voltage


Fault location algorithms present different formulations, data requirements, and parameters that determine their applicability to a specific scenario. Understanding these requirements and characteristic errors in different scenarios is essential for selecting the most appropriate approach. In this article, several phasor-based fault location algorithms are presented, and their performance are analyzed for faults in extra-high voltage transmission lines. The most suitable approach is selected based on the requirements for applying the algorithms and the sources of errors present in the monitored system.