Analysis and Comparison of Resampling Schemes: An Approach Based on IEC 61850-9-2

  • Adrion Andrei Rosanelli Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Carlos Henrique Barriquello Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Ângelo Felipe Sartori Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Adriano Moraes Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Daniel Pinheiro Bernardon Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Wagner Seizo Hokama CPFL Energia, SP
  • Rebeca Gonçalves Sena CPFL Energia, SP
Keywords: Resampling, Sampled Values, Digital Signal Processing, Simulation, IEC 61850-9-2


Signal resampling is a signal processing technique with several applications, among them to improve Sampled Values (SV) signals defined by IEC-61850-9-2. This makes it possible to analyze the SV signal more accurately and robustly for power substation protection. In this sense, this work aims to analyze and compare different resampling schemes, to validate them and explore their advantages. For this, schemes proposed by the literature and using conventional methods are analyzed. In addition, some existing aspects of SV signals and their effect on the analyzed resampling are also explored. From the analyzes carried out, the resampling using the conventional Cubic Spline method presented one of the best performances, considering computational efficiency, spectral leakage, frequency variations and RMS measurements. A last point analyzed refers to the effects present in the SV signals, such as jitter and random packet loss, which did not have much impact on signal resampling.