Enxugando a Linha de Produção com Robô para a Paletização de Evaporadores de Aparelhos Condicionadores de Ar

  • Alan Gomes LG Electronics, Manaus, AM
  • Carlos Nascimento LG Electronics, Manaus, AM
  • César Silva LG Electronics, Manaus, AM
  • Nelson Gouvêa LG Electronics, Manaus, AM
  • Alexandre Périco Fundação Desembargador Paulo dos Anjos Feitoza - FPF tech, Manaus - AM
  • Ivana Bernardo Fundação Desembargador Paulo dos Anjos Feitoza - FPF tech, Manaus - AM
  • Kjeldson Sodre Fundação Desembargador Paulo dos Anjos Feitoza - FPF tech, Manaus - AM
  • Marcos Souza Fundação Desembargador Paulo dos Anjos Feitoza - FPF tech, Manaus - AM
  • Ricardo Moura Fundação Desembargador Paulo dos Anjos Feitoza - FPF tech, Manaus - AM
  • Ueliton Rodrigues Fundação Desembargador Paulo dos Anjos Feitoza - FPF tech, Manaus - AM
Keywords: Mechanical grippers, servo drivers, vacuum grippers, palletizing, evaporators, smart factory


The demands of the market every day require intelligent systems that can operate with flexibility, speed, precision, and repeatability. Robotics presents itself as the most sought-after solution in the automation of processes. Among the diversified activities for robots in industrial applications, product-handling operations predominate. Based on this predominance, palletizing is framed as an operation that facilitates and improves the performance of the process. This article has the objective and challenge to present a prototype for the simultaneous palletization of two cartons and two evaporators using mechanical mechanisms and servo drives to grip the evaporators, in addition to the vacuum system gripper, as it is used effectively with industrial robots, to grab the cardboards. This process was carried out manually by a delicate assembly line where operators suffered from wear, fatigue, and RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).