Uso de documentos interativos no Matlab para o ensino de sistemas de controle

  • Celso Jose Munaro Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, UFES
  • Moacir Rosado Filho Departamento de Matemática, UFES
Keywords: Control education, feedback control, modeling, didactic plants, PID control


One of the current challenges is to motivate students and, at the same time, update teaching methodologies in order to take advantage of the resources available in computational tools. This article presents control teaching methodologies based on the use of interactive documents, which bring together contents, code, results of code execution, graphic elements, and links to contents external to the document. Proposals are presented that motivate and challenge learning, making the most of existing resources in such environments that make some traditional methods obsolete. Proposals are discussed to support face-to-face teaching of control theory and practices, as well as the proposal for individual study and assessment activities using such environments. The result of the execution of such activities are documents that can be used for study, generation of reports, or serve as a base text for writing scientific articles. A survey carried out with students confirms that such proposals can contribute a lot for control education.