Comparação entre cobre e alumínio na gaiola de motores trifásicos de indução pelo método de elementos finitos

  • Lucas Maxwel Fernandes Sales Medeiros Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e Biomédica, Universidade Federal do Pará, PA
  • André Oliveira Carvalho da Silva Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e Biomédica, Universidade do Federal do Pará, PA
  • Erik Chagas Rozal Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e Biomédica, Universidade do Federal do Pará, PA
  • Iago Ranieri Miranda Rodrigues Morais Amazon Energy Efficiency Excellence Center (CEAMAZON)
  • Wellington da Silva Fonseca Amazon Energy Efficiency Excellence Center (CEAMAZON)
Keywords: Software FEMM, three-phased motor, induction, copper, aluminum


The present work’s goal is to develop the analysis of the behaviour of properties as: torque, total losses, magnetic density flux, in the three-phase induction motor with squirrel cage rotor when the material which compound the cage is changed. Aiming this goal, we used simulations of finite elements through the use of software FEMM, and for analysis’ purpose a performance comparison was made between copper and aluminum. Hence, it was noted that the aluminum configuration showed a torque of 454,338 N.m and total power losses equal to 105,71 kW, for cooper was obtained, respectively, the values of 345,219 N.m and 84,66 kW.