Uso do Método de Monte Carlo para a Criação de Curvas de Cargas Residenciais Regionais
Household Load profile, Socioeconomic Classes, Generation of Curves for Simulation, Monte Carlo Method
The current lack of residential load curves impacts university and research center research on low-voltage electrical networks. This affects studies into the planning, control, operation and connection of distributed energy elements, compromising the accuracy of the results. This research article proposes the use of the Monte Carlo method to create realistic residential load curves for different regions of Brazil, based on data from the National Electricity Conservation Program (PROCEL) and its Survey of Ownership and Usage Habits of Electrical Equipment (PPH). Using cumulative distribution functions (CDF), equipment, capacity, nominal power, times of day and frequency of use are selected. A sequential probabilistic strategy creates the individual load curves that make up the household load curve. The solution is tested with data from the state of Amazonas, generating 500 equipment curves and general household curves by socioeconomic class. The results show good performance compared to PROCEL’s reference curves.