Controle Extremal Multivariável Estocástico do Tipo Newton com Atrasos Distintos de Entrada
Stochastic Systems, Delays, Predictor, Multivariable Extremum Seeking, Newton Algorithm, Backstepping Transformation, Averaging Theory
This paper proposes the design and analysis for a multivariable Newton-based stochastic extremum seeking control under delays. Multi-input systems with different time delays in each individual input channel are dealt with. A new predictor feedback with stochastic sinusoidal pertubation-based estimates of the Hessian’s inverse is incorporated in closed loop such that the convergence rate of the real-time optimizer can be made userassignable. Exponential stability and convergence to a small neighborhood of the unknown extremum point can be obtained. This result is rigorously reached by using backstepping transformation and averaging in infinite dimensions. A numerical example is shown in order to present the effectiveness of the proposed predictor-based stochastic extremum seeking for time-delay compensation.