Mixed Model-Free Adaptive Controller with Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning Applied to Secondary Voltage Control

  • Moisés M. Nascimento School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas, SP
  • Raul T. Bernardo School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas, SP
  • Bruno Pinheiro School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas, SP
  • Daniel Dotta School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas, SP
Keywords: Data-Driven Control, Model-Free Adaptive Control, Secondary Voltage Control, Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning


This paper shows the design of data-driven secondary voltage control (SVC) using synchrophasor measurements to eliminate voltage violations in electric power systems. A closedloop strategy is carried out with the participation of the available generators, to increase the utilization of their reactive power capability and decrease the need for additional reactive power sources. A Model-Free Adaptive Control (MFAC) algorithm is used to perform the closed-loop control, and their initial parameters are tuned by the Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning (VRFT) approach using only I/O data (without any system model information). The proposed MFAC-VRFT-SVC strategy was applied to the benchmark IEEE 39 bus system, which was modeled using MATLAB/Simulink software, and robust performance was achieved under disturbances.