Assessment of Methodologies for Modeling SVCs in the Power Flow Problem

  • João Pedro Peters Barbosa Departamento de Energia Elétrica, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG
  • João Alberto Passos Filho Departamento de Energia Elétrica, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG
Keywords: Static VAr Compensator, Full Newton Method, Power Flow, Control Device, FACTS, Voltage Control


This paper assesses the main methodologies for representing static var compensators (SVCs) steady-state behavior in the power flow problem. Different control approaches are considered in each of the models presented, which results in the adoption of the following other state variables: (i ) reactive power injected; (ii ) current injected; and (iii ) thyristor firing-angle. Despite their differences, a full Newton method is considered for all methodologies by means of incorporating the respective control equation into the power flow system of nonlinear equations. All propositions were simulated on two different test systems: a 4-bus tutorial system and the IEEE benchmark Nordic system. A Python-based program was developed, and the result simulations were validated by CEPEL’s (Electric Energy Research Center) production-grade academic version software.