Controlador proporcional-integral não linear por modelo de referência aplicado a sistemas não lineares de primeira ordem

  • Samaherni Dias Laboratório de Automação, Controle e Instrumentação (LACI), UFRN, Natal, RN
  • Kurios Queiroz Laboratório de Automação, Controle e Instrumentação (LACI), UFRN, Natal, RN
  • Aldayr Araújo Laboratório de Automação, Controle e Instrumentação (LACI), UFRN, Natal, RN
Keywords: PI controller, reference model, nonlinear, industrial processes


In industrial processes, we usually find Proportional-Integral-Derivative controllers, although these controllers show degradation in their behavior due to the nonlinearities in the real plants. The wide acceptance of these controllers is by their simplicity in design, implementation, and understanding. Thus, in this work, we propose a control technique that unites the Proportional- Integral controller, based on the error between the plant output and the output of a given reference model, to a nonlinear function to ensure that the plant output tracks the desired dynamics. With this, we aim to reduce the behavior degradation and keep the simplicity of the Proportional-Integral controller. In the end, there is a set of simulations for several scenarios, all including nonlinear plants of industrial processes.