Influência da Geração Distribuída Fotovoltaica na Factibilidade de Soluções para o Problema de Restabelecimento e Flexibilidade Operacional da Rede
Distributed Generation, Service Restoration, Load Flow
With the rising integration of solar generation in power distribution grids, new operational challenges have emerged, notably due to the reliance on climate-driven energy generation. A routine grid operation is power restoration, which aims to reconfigure the grid with minimal topological changes to reduce customer disconnections during contingencies. Present literature strategies primarily focus on the network’s state at fault times, overlooking variations in daily loads and generations. This paper introduces a modeling structure for photovoltaic systems that accounts for practical aspects, highlighting its impact on the restoration process under a realistic fluctuating demand and loads curve. Results indicate that during highgeneration fault periods, restoration strategies are less conservative than in low-generation periods, risking operational limit breaches. In contrast, during low-demand and zero-generation fault periods, there’s a potential increase in reconfiguration complexity and plan infeasibility compared to high-generation periods