Reactive power control of DFIG-based wind turbines for voltage support during faults

  • João Paulo Man Kit Sio Western Paraná State University
  • Romeu Reginatto Western Paraná State University
Keywords: DFIG, Fault, Reactive power control, Wind power, Wind turbine


The wind power penetration in the power system has already reached a considerate proportion. An important step in that path was the requirement of wind farms to provide Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capacity, remaining connected to the grid during faults. More recently, grid codes are also requiring wind turbines to inject reactive power during the fault event so as to contribute to grid voltage support. The purpose of this work is to analyze a reactive current injection strategy for DFIG-based wind turbines that acts on the reactive power control loop during faults. The results of the simulations show, the behavior of the voltage, active power, and the total current injected in the system for different connection characteristics. The reactive current injection strategy helps in the voltage level during the fault, and the effectiveness is better for connections to the transmission system level.
