Computer Modeling and Analysis of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System Grid-Connected Using Homer Pro

  • Cleiton Marques de Carvalho Federal University of ABC
  • Daniel Orlando G. Medina Federal University of ABC
  • José Calixto Lopes Federal University of ABC
  • Thales Sousa Federal University of ABC
Keywords: Distributed generation, Grid-connected system, Hybrid system, Solar energy, Wind energy


Renewable energy generation has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Among the most used sources in this context, Photovoltaic Solar and wind have presented the highest growth in recent years. Considering the new topologies and possibilities that arise with the evolution of technology, the Hybrid Renewable Energy System has been widely explored, being an excellent alternative in the new ways of generating energy in the future. Similarly, the traditional concept of centralized power systems has been replaced by distributed power generation levels. Thus, this work proposed to perform a technical and economic feasibility analysis in order to examine the possibility of an HRES composed by wind and solar sources, connected to the grid. For the development of the study, it was used a methodology based on computational modelling and simulation in HOMER Pro.
