Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Service Restoration in the Presence of Distributed Generation

  • Etiane O. P. de Carvalho University of São Paulo
  • José Paulo R. Fernandes University of São Paulo
  • Leandro T. Marques Federal University of Mato Grosso
  • João Bosco A. London Jr. University of São Paulo
Keywords: Service restoration, Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Distributed generation, Distribution systems


Distributed Generators (DGs) have been used to improve quality and reliability of service in Distribution Systems (DSs). They can be used to reduce faults impact on System Average Interruption Duration Index by allowing the minimization of healthy out-ofservice (OFS) loads after the occurrence of permanent faults. IEEE also encourages power supply companies and customers to restore OFS loads by intentional islanding. This paper proposes a modification in recently proposed Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) in subpopulation tables to combine intentional islanding of DGs with network reconfiguration to maximize restoration of OFS loads. The idea is to force intentional islanding whenever OFS heathy areas can be fully supplied by DGs. Simulation results (with a DS presented in the literature) have demonstrated the reliability of the MOEA new version to deal with service restoration problem in the presence of DGs.
