Análise sobre às tecnicas aplicadas à estimação de parâmetros de sistemas de transmissão

  • Ronaldo F. R. Pereira Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas - CCET, Universidade Federal do Acre - UFAC. Rio Branco, AC
  • Felipe P. Albuquerque Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas Eletrônicos - PSI, Universidade de São Paulo - USP. São Paulo, SP
  • Luisa H. B. Liboni Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - IFSP, Sertãozinho, SP
  • Eduardo C. M. Costa Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas Eletrônicos - PSI, Universidade de São Paulo - USP. São Paulo, SP
  • Mauricio C. de Oliveira Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Aeroespacial, Universidade da Califórnia, San Diego
Keywords: Covariance, Estimation, Extended Kalman Filter, Parameters, Transmission Systems


This paper shows an Extended Kalman filter-based method to estimate the parameters of transmission lines. Unlike common-place practices, in which parameters are estimated by using Least Squares methods or linear methods, the Extended Kalman filter algorithm is used. We represent the transmission line by using a steady-state model in which the voltage and current phasors are considered complex values in the d - q domain. Thereafter, it is analyzed the estimation performance of the filter-based estimator by means of a numerical simulation, considering a medium-length transmission line, and compared to other well-established methods based on two different Least Mean Square Setups. The results show that the filter is highly efficient and encourage further researches on estimation methods with optimal initialization terms. In addition, results show that the filter-based estimation method could be used jointly in phasor measurement devices for improved monitoring and control capabilities of electrical systems by estimating phasors and parameters.