Renewable sources, Photovoltaic power plants, Photovoltaic ramps
The search for energetic alternatives became more intense due to strong and historical drought in Brazil in the last few years. This incident can be found around the world and it is associate with climate changes, which starting to be face with hard policies of emission decrease until 2050. As consequence, the renewable energy sources has an fundamental role in the grid descarbonization. In Brazil, the places with the biggest solar irradiance are located in Northeast region. However, the growth of a sources with intermittent nature can be cause implications in the operation of interconnected grid. So, in this paper is performed an assessment considering the amount, geographic location and capacity of photovoltaic power plants already installed, as well as the planned for the next years, with the goal of estimate the possible additional requirements on the grid operation due to occurrence of photovoltaic ramps generation. As case study, it is considered the state of Piau´i, which presents the highest growth rate of amount of photovoltaic power plants.