Construção De Reator De Plasma Frio Para Aplicações De Filmes Finos

  • G. A. Cirino Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos/SP
  • H. M. Pinto Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos/SP
Keywords: Ionic bombardment, Metallic thin films, Cathodic spraying, Cold plasma reactor, Sputtering


It is about the construction of a sputtering system, through the use of a cold plasma reactor, for the deposition of metallic thin films. Basically, this system works by ejecting atoms of a material (target) by the bombardment of argon ions. This process takes place through the ionization of argon gas, which has its ions accelerated towards the target and when they collide with the material, ejection occurs, and these separate atoms are deposited on the substrate, forming a thin film of this material. The process for applying thin metallic films through sputtering is used in several areas, as is the case of use in industries, for beautifying and coating parts, food packaging, jewelry, photovoltaic applications and research. The construction of the system was achieved through components found on the market, taken from other electronic equipment, vacuum system and machined parts. The use of this experience can be applied in several areas, being the object of study for this case, to characterize the deposition equipment through the relation between thickness of the deposited thin film and deposition time.