Sintonia de controlador utilizando Recozimento Simulado para amortecimento das oscilações eletromecânicas

  • Elayne Holanda Madruga Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB
  • Alexandre Cézar de Castro Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB
  • Yuri Percy Molina Rodriguez Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB
Keywords: Simulated Annealing, Power Systems Stability, Robust Controller, Electromechanical oscillations, Optimization Methods


Some disturbances can affect power system stability and generate electromechanical oscillations. In this paper, a robust controller design is presented, whose main objective is to damp the electromechanical oscillation modes and ensure power system stability. In order to guarantee the robustness of the controller, singular values and Relative Gain Matrix were used to select the most significant input- output pairs in the system. The designed controller was of low order and its parameters were adjusted using Simulated Annealing. It was observed, when these parameters were used, the system was damped and it met the robustness condition. A comparison was also made of the result with other optimization methods. Simulated Annealing showed a good comparative performance and it proved efficient for nonhigh uncertainties.