Estudo de Viabilidade de Implementação para um Sistema de Geração de Energia Hibrida em Propriedades Rurais

  • Orlei Petry Junior Centro Universitário e de Faculdades - Uniftec, RS
  • Lucas dos Santos Luiz Centro Universitário e de Faculdades - Uniftec, RS
  • Regis Cardoso Instituto Senai de Inovação em Sistemas Embarcados - ISI-SE, SC
  • Rodrigo Marques de Figueiredo Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica - Escola Politécnica, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS), RS
Keywords: Electric Power Generation, Hybrid Generation, Solar Energy, Biomass Energy


When dealing with electric energy, its production and distribution in rural regions, its production and distribution in rural regions, it is relevant to observe peculiar aspects from the lack of infrastructure or the seasonality of the climate in our country. Both points must be observed in the face of difficulties in accessing electricity generation for rural producers in more isolated regions. As an alternative, hybrid electrical energy systems have been studied and used. The objective is to seek the supply of electricity in areas where the distribution networks do not reach, or as a way of generating credit to reduce energy consumption. Therefore, this study presents the dimensioning of two forms of electric energy generation, solar energy and biomass energy. Making consumers in the same concession area benefit from production. For the theoretical basis, research from different authors was used, as well as technical documents from the National Electric Energy Agency to determine the predicted electric energy generation in kWh. The maximum energy demand, in Watt, was also evaluated to supply up to 20 properties with an average monthly consumption of 450 kWh.