Modelagem de uma linha de transmissão com trecho aéreo, subterrâneo e subaquático para o estudo de desequilíbrio de tensão

  • R. T .M MANSUR Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
  • I. J. S. LOPES Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Keywords: Transmission line, Underground line, Underwater line, Viability studies, Installation


This article presents the modeling of a transmission line with overhead, underground and underwater sections for the study of voltage unbalance for the predicted maximum load scenarios. The evaluation of voltage unbalance at the design stage is an important preventive action not only for the reduction of electrical losses, but also for the mitigation of power quality phenomena and operational interference in transmission lines. After an initial discussion about voltage unbalance, its consequences and how to determine it, the modeling by the ATPDRAW software is presented to evaluate the negative and zero sequence voltage unbalances. The objective is to define the parameters of this system for simulating voltage unbalance compared to the maximum allowed limit of 1.5%, established by the ONS for the condition of the transmission line to operate at no load and at full load. The results obtained show that the proposed aerial, underwater and underground transmission line is capable of operating within the unbalance limits established by ANEEL. However, it was observed that a possible increase on the extent of the future LT will directly affect the maximum calculations.