Avaliação Quantitativa e Qualitativa da Flexibilidade na Interface entre Sistemas de Transmissão e Distribuição

  • Ranielli V. Pombo Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, UFJF, MG
  • João A. Passos Filho Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, UFJF, MG
  • Fábio P. C. Brilhante Petrobras, CENPES, RJ
Keywords: Flexibility Region, Flexibility Coefficient, Distributed Energy Resource, TSO/DSO Interface, Optimal Power Flow


The growing scenario of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) integration in low voltage brings challenges related to the security operation of power systems globally and possibilities of providing ancillary services to contribute to system management. Therefore, the power exchange at the interface between the transmission and distribution systems gains relevance for the security operation of both. In this context, the flexibility region emerges as an alternative to enable the knowledge of this information, and the flexibility coefficients present themselves as a possibility to measure the capability of each system from the point of view of both operators. This work applies a methodology to construct flexibility regions and the concepts of flexibility coefficients to evaluate the connection of transmission and distribution systems. The reference methodology was expanded to handle the construction of maps for the transmission system through a few modifications in the problem formulation. Simulations and analysis were executed using 33 and 38-bus transmission and distribution systems through Python language implementation. The results show that the flexibility coefficients allow performing analyses to identify the best connection point between systems to take better advantage of their flexibilities.