Análise de Métodos de Agrupamento Aplicados na Definição de Limites dos Indicadores de Continuidade

  • Leonardo da Silveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Jaderson Rosa dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Laura Lisiane Callai dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS
  • Rui Anderson Ferrarezi Garcia Companhia Estadual de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica, RS
Keywords: Service quality, Continuity, Indicators, Clustering, Limits


In the context of electricity distribution in Brazil, the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) is responsible for regulating and inspecting the performance of companies. The quality of services provided by distributors is measured by indicators of continuity of supply, to which performance limits are defined using a comparative analysis methodology. The premise of this methodology is that similar sets of consumer units must have equivalent performance. Such similarity between sets is defined by attributes, which describe characteristics of the electric distribution system and the consumer market. This work analyzes the step of grouping sets of the current model used by ANEEL for calculating the limits of the DEC and FEC indicators. The limits for different case studies are calculated, in which the selected attributes, the grouping method and the adopted parameters are varied. Then, the sensitivity of variations is analyzed through the limits calculated in each case study. As main results, it was observed a greater sensitivity for variation of attributes and of the clustering method and a lower sensitivity for variation of the parameters of the dynamic method.