Uso de controle volt-var e volt-watt em uma rede de distribuição de baixa tensão com alta penetração fotovoltaica

  • Nyegirton Barreiros dos Santos Costa Instituto Federal do Sertao Pernambucano, PE
  • Lenon Magalhães Andrade Universidade Federal da Bahia, BA
  • Daniel Barbosa Universidade Federal da Bahia, BA
Keywords: volt-var, volt-watt, OpenDSS, photovoltaic generation, low voltage distribution network


Insertion of distributed micro and mini-generation systems in the Electrical Power System has shown high growth in recent years, with emphasis on photovoltaic generation. However, it is necessary to ensure that the efficiency and electrical power quality indices are within acceptable limits, in view of high penetration of distributed generation can cause a lot of problems in the network, mainly voltage deviation. Therefore, several studies seek to understand the impacts caused and possible solutions to minimize them. Thus, this work aims to evaluate the performance of controls available in intelligent inverters: volt-var and volt-watt, to mitigate voltage deviations caused by the massive insertion of photovoltaic systems in the grid. The study used a real low voltage distribution network located in the northeast region of Brazil through simulations in the software OpenDSS. The results show that although the controls are able to correct most cases of voltage deviation, the isolated actuation may not be enough. An analysis of technical losses was also performed.