Impacto nas compensações financeiras considerando nova configuração de conjuntos de unidades consumidoras de uma distribuidora de energia elétrica

  • André R. Borniatti Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Vinicius J. Garcia Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Wanderson L. Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Laura L.C. dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS
  • Nelson Knak Neto Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, RS
  • Rui A.F. Garcia CEEE-D Equatorial Energia, Porto Alegre, RS
Keywords: continuity and quality indicators, financial compensation, substation reconfiguration method


The regulation in the public electric energy distribution service considers quality and continuity indicators, presented in Module 8 of the Electric Energy Distribution Procedures in the National Electric System (PRODIST), established by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL). Collective continuity indicators are defined for measuring the distribution quality services, such as: Equivalent Interruption Duration per Consumer Unit (DEC) and Equivalent Interruption Frequency per Consumer Unit (FEC). Also, there are several individual indicators of continuity that deal with the single consumer unit interruption, such as: duration (DIC), frequency (FIC), maximum duration (DMIC) and on a critical day (DICRI).Each of these individual indicators has a stablished limit value, which, if exceeded, results in financial compensation by the distributor (utility) directly to the consumer units. In this way, this paper presents a methodology applied in an algorithm developed using the Matlab software with the purpose of analyzing these indicators impacts along with their financial compensation for modified configuration of the current sets of consumer units of an energy utility. This configuration change is based on the contiguity criteria, which appear in Module 8 of PRODIST. For the development and application of the methodology, initially each substation is considered as a unit of consumers combined. The new proposed configuration achieved a reduction of around 1% in the total amount of financial compensation paid by the utility between the years of 2017 to 2020. This compensation refers to the monthly period, for the DIC, FIC and DMIC indicators. Meaning there is a possibility of future gains by carrying out a reconfiguration of sets without the requiring investment in the grid system.